Adult Performance ⭐️ *NEW*
Monday, 01/20/2025 | 06:45PM-07:30PM
Bernadette D. DIDA Tenleytown
NEW for 2024-25, Adult Performance is our show-focused class designed especially for adults. The class will teach fun and challenging choreography in an encouraging, non-competitive setting. Ceili / team dances are also taught in this class. Throughout the year, we will be partnering with Milwaukee Irish Dance Co. (the adult Irish Dance company established by Elyse Transon, TCRG, of which the vision for Adult Performance is modeled after) for special choreography crossover opportunities throughout the year, and we join them in celebrating their 10th anniversary!
Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in a weekly Adult Class (Included with select Studio Pass memberships). Open to adults of all levels.