Fort Wayne Dance Collective

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Winter/Spring - Pointe - Teens & Adults

Tuesday, 01/07/2025 | 07:45PM-08:30PM

Kristen Demaree Tyler
This continued study of classical ballet builds strength and technique when dancing in a pointe shoe. Combinations will begin at the barre and progress to the center during the course of the semester. *Students must be enrolled in either Beginning or Continuing Ballet to take Pointe

Purchase Options For This Class:

This event occurred on 01/07/2025

Drop-in purchase & enrollment options are available for later dates. Please select a current/future date from the calendar to access those.

Pack - Winter/Spring - Pointe - 7 weeks

7 classes, expires never

Pack - Winter/Spring - Pointe - 14 weeks

14 classes, expires 06/03/2025


Intermediate Tue 7:45 PM until 8:30 PM
21 classes, 01/07/2025 - 06/03/2025