Echo Hose Ambulance

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EMT Refresher course - ONLINE ONLY (a course code will be emailed to you to complete entire course online)

Monday, 01/13/2025 | 12:00AM-12:00PM

Patrick Lahaza ONLINE ONLY
Emergency Medical Technician Recertification Online Only Intended Audience This course is intended for EMTs seeking CAPCE approved continuing education hours for NREMT EMT renewal. EMTs may renew state licensure in states that follow the NCCP model or accept CAPCE credits. Course Description National Component (20 Hours) National component topics include airway and respiration, cardiovascular, trauma, medical, and EMS operations. 7 hours of distributive education Local / State Component (10 Hours) These hours are flexible unless your state EMS office or local medical control has specific requirements. 7 hours of distributive education Individual Component (10 Hours) These are flexible hours that may be achieved through any CAPCE approved educational component. 10 hours of distributive education 100% Trusted, CAPCE-Approved Content All Recert courses are nationally accredited by CAPCE, the Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education (formerly CECBEMS). And the state of CT approved Applicable • Interactive • Relevant • Transformative Applicable: Every Recert course meets an NCCP requirement and/or meets a documented need in the profession. Interactive: Every Recert course is interactive, from game-based learning to patient simulations, to live patient videos, to critical-thinking scenarios. Relevant: The evidence-based content in Recert aligns with recognized medical standards, guidelines, and protocols. Transformative: Recert offers true continuing education that can be applied in the field. It expands on the initial education curriculum and challenges learners to advance their training. This is an NREMT and State of Connecticut approved 40hr online refresher course It can be used for CME or NREMT recertification. Topics include- anatomy and physiology, cardiology, pulmonology, neurology, Trauma, medical emergencies, EMS Operations, OB/GYN & neonatology, pediatrics, pharmacology, and special populations. Upon your registration and payment of this class, you will be Emailed an online code to complete all the online context. Your online content can be done 24/7. All online content must be completed prior to the last day of class in order to successfully complete the course. Cost of class is $200 *Online code will not be sent to you until payment is Received Online content can be done 24/7 But must be completed before the end of classroom hours. 40 Hours Online These can be done online 24/7 To Register Click Link Below EMT Refresher/Online Only

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This event occurred on 01/13/2025

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