Trumansburg Conservatory of Fine Arts

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Acro III (formerly “Elite Acro 1”)

Friday, 01/24/2025 | 06:00PM-06:55PM

Ms. Sam Main Hall
Acro III (previously called “Elite Acro I”) Instructor: Samantha Johnson Ages: 9+ Requirement: athletic wear or dance clothes, acro socks or bare feet.  Hair must be pulled back off the face. Technical floor acrobatics combined with jazz dance.  All students must have taken acro or gymnastics in the past and have strong knowledge of intermediate acro tricks (must already be able to cleanly execute upon entering class: forward roll, backbend, cartwheel, handstand).  Intermediate/advanced strengthening, stretching, and conditioning to build core strength for floor tricks geared towards achieving front and back walk-overs, backbend & standup, limbers, half valdez, roundoff, handspring, leaps and more creative tricks like headstands, elbow stands, tinsica, switch walkovers, roll throughs, mini trampoline, fish flop, back rolls, etc.

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intermediate/advanced Fri 6:00 PM until 6:55 PM
29 classes, 09/13/2024 - 05/16/2025