Plein-Air Pastel Painting on Private 6-acre Farm
Thursday, 01/23/2025 | 10:00AM-12:00PM
Cynthia Mannino Digital Media Lab
Plein-Air Pastel Painting on Private 6-acre Farm
with Cynthia Mannino
Thursday, August 22, 10am-noon
(rain date Friday, August 23, 10am-noon)
Learn tips, techniques and general instructions for outdoor pastel painting
where you will create pastels on paper that can serve as a final piece or as
a preparatory work for a later painting. Session will take place on a small
farm with hillside views outside of Trumansburg village. Address provided
with registration.
Cost $50 (CayAC members receive a 10% discount using code CAYAC2024 at checkout.)
Portable easels, tinted pastel paper, workable fixative, viewfinder
and clipboards provided. Students will need to purchase their own set of
pastels. Discover the fun of plein-air!