Malashock Dance

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Int/Adv Contemporary Technique (Adult 18+)

Wednesday, 08/14/2019 | 07:00PM-08:30PM

No instructor assigned Studio 200
My class aesthetic stresses qualitative intelligence within the context of technical athleticism. I favor movement that finds motivation in the breath and weighted release that generates momentum. My classes aim to foster body awareness thus, I encourage students to practice efficient movement, promoting the idea of finding “neutral” so as not to expend unnecessary energy. Students learn to utilize precise body initiations in order to liberate the body and provide for longevity. I strive to integrate the methodologies of some of my favorite dance masters such as Doris Humphrey and Jose Limon with principles from somatic practices such as Yoga, Pilates, and Authentic Movement. I believe that as artists we are capable of endless growth; there is no ceiling on our potential of creative possibility except the one we create for ourselves. I hope to create an open, non-judgmental learning environment where students are able to safely explore without limits.

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This event occurred on 08/14/2019

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